Business Environment (BEN) - Sinhala

AAT Business Environment (BEN)

Tutor Qualification

01-  Concepts of a Business and Different Types of Organizations

02-  Business Environment and its Effect on Business Organizations

03-  Supportive Services to Businesses

04-  Trade in Business Organizations

05-  Influences of the Government to Business and the Importance of Business Ethics and Social Responsibility of a Business

06-  SMEs as the Backbone of an Economy

07-  SMEs as the Backbone of an Economy

08-  Financial Market in Sri Lanka

Course Details

The course focuses on developing the skills to comprehend the concept of business, organization and the impact of business environment such as, supportive services, government, society and business ethics on the business activities and decision-making. It is also expected to highlight the importance of SMEs and financial markets for the development of an economy

Fee : 5000.00.LKR

100% online courses

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Flexible Schedule

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Teacher Name

Amila Kulathunga